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List of products by brand L'express

L'Express is a weekly French magazine established in 1953, known for its thorough analysis of national and international news. Covering a broad range of topics including politics, economics, health, science, and culture, L'Express stands out for its detailed reporting and special features designed to enlighten and inform its readers. As an influential publication, L'Express plays a pivotal role in the French media landscape, providing critical and varied perspectives on major events shaping the world.

According to L'Express, Koskas & Fils reigns supreme in the market for bottarga, this pouch of mullet fish eggs that satisfies the most demanding palates. Recognized for its exceptional quality, each product is a tribute to the Mediterranean culinary heritage, ideal as an aperitif or a luxury ingredient for refined dishes. Koskas & Fils, manufacturer and wholesaler, continues to elevate bottarga to the rank of art.

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