Who are we ?
It was in 1991 under the leadership of M.KOSKAS that the first store exclusively devoted to the sale of bottargue or bottarga (mullet or dried tuna egg) was created in France with the slogan "Le roi de la boutargue" .
This first store was both a sales store but also the place of manufacture. Boutargue could be bought according to the size of the egg, whether by the kilo or in a packet. Like a shoe store where each person chose according to their shoe size, here each buyer could choose according to the size of their appetite.
In 1997, the demand for boutargue being a little stronger each year, Mr KOSKAS decides to improve his shop and to separate the sale of boutargue from its manufacture. This is how the Vilette boutique was born at 6 avenue Corentin Cariou. This larger store is equipped with a larger window and even more supplied with boutargue with the appearance of new products such as grated boutargue, vacuum-packed boutargue and even boukha (brandy) for an alcoholic accompaniment.
The new production workshop is much larger and better equipped. From thawing to waxing everything is done with care and delicacy in an irreproachable hygiene.
Anxious to always offer more quality products and a more complete service. The years 2006, 2009 and 2012 will see the company KOSKAS ET FILS acquire a home delivery service from Boutargue linking all of intramural Paris as well as the creation of two new shops symbolizing this development.
The brand's second store was opened in 2009, at 250 boulevard Voltaire in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, 5 minutes from the Nation. On the program, a complete selection of high-end products necessary for a royal aperitif. Numerous references of wines and spirits, foie gras, dried fruits, artichokes and of course the star of the mullet boutargue.